Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Meh...this is boring...I'll do it later.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Simplicity...Paradise Lost??

As I was sitting in a restaurant tonight enjoying a meal and the antics of the waitstaff picking up drinks close to where I was dining, my mind began to wander and think of how wonderful things were before the "more more, better better" mindset took over.

I remembered when I went to work, served customers food, and then went home and didn't worry about checking email, getting cell calls either early in the morning or late in the evening, or any of the other stuff us "successful" people worry about these days.

Sometimes I'd like to just move to a small town, get a decent job, and just live the simple life. As it is, the more money I make, it seems like the less I actually get to keep and the less I actually get to enjoy the simple things. I'm always concerned about bills getting paid, projects at work, projects at home...hardly ever focusing on what I, and every other person has been called to do, and just enjoy life.

I watched people in the restaurant tonight...people that were laughing, talking, or just simply enjoying somebody elses company, and I was overwhelmed by how easy it is to forget about the simple things in life. Things like a man in a wheelchair thanking you sincerely for getting a door for him, listening to the bartender chuckle when a customer asks for a double because the in-laws are in town, watching an older man put his arm around a server that tried to let him go in front of him and thank him for his politeness, and just watching people enjoy themselves.

I find myself being envious of the people who enjoy this simplicity...envious of the joy it brings them to know that they can just relax and enjoy what they do without worrying about much else.

I love working for Chad, it's amazing, it really is. I can go to work and talk to my friend if I need to, but rely on the backup of my boss if I have to. I can set my own hours and control what I do and when I do it, but something is missing...

I always say that I work with the computers for free...that I get paid to deal with the people, and to a point, it's true. I love working with computers, I love fixing things when they go wrong, but something is missing...